• BroBryce64

  • by BroBryce

My name is Bryce L. Tomlinson. Back in the 80's I became "almost famous" by writing a little program to make keyboard graphics on the Commodore 64 for all of the Color 64 BBS services that were popping up all over Portland Oregon and the USA. Today I'm a filmmaker and social media expert, but my memories haunt me, and I long to bring the fun and adventure of the C64 back to my living room. Join me in my quest, and I'll try to share what happens as I rebuild my 8-bit past in the 21st century.


Maverick 5.0 -ON- the 1581? A Tricky Way to Archive Disks

In the beginning, the earth was void and without form... and so was the technology to archive 1581 disks for future use. Read more...