• Public Disks

  • SID

Public Disk: fritske_-_no limit.d64

"FRITSKE1991PARTY"   666


0 "FRITSKE1991PARTY"   666
0   "                "*DEL  
666 "   NO LIMIT     " PRG  2049
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "      BY        "      
0   "   FRIKTSKE     "      
0   "USE 6581 SID PLZ"      
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "ui"      
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "^MUSIC COMPO^ "      
0   "jk"      
0   "                "*DEL  
666 "   STIL LEVEN   "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "   BY FRITSKE   "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "ui"*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "^ GFX COMPO ^ "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "jk"*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "uddiuddiuddiucci"      
0   "guibbuibbuibbuck"      
0   "bjknbjknbjknbjci"      
0   "b ibuiibuiijcib"      
0   "guibbjkbbjkbuckb"      
0   "jkjkjrrkjrrkjrrk"      
0   "                "      
0   "    uccccci     "      
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "    jicccuk     "      
0   "     b   b      "      
0   "     b   b      "      
0   "     b   b      "      
0   "     b   b      "      
0   "     b   b      "*DEL  
0   "     b   b      "      
0   " uccck   jccci  "      
0   " b           b  "      
0   " b           b  "      
0   " b   ROYAL   b  "      
0   " b  BELGIAN  b  "      
0   " b   BEER    b  "      
0   " b SQUADRON  b  "      
0   " b           b  "      
0   " b           b  "      
0   " b hmnmnmng  b  "      
0   " b h      g  b  "      
0   " b hrrrrrrg  b  "      
0   " b           b  "*DEL  
0   " b           b  "*DEL  
0   " b           b  "      
0   " b           b  "      
0   " b           b  "      
0   " b           b  "      
0   " b5.2%   33CLb  "      
0   " jccccccccccck  "      
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  




Snapshots are created by the disk publisher. Each snapshot represents a disk image in time. Earlier snapshots of this disk will likely have older versions of a program or will not have all of the same files as on newer snapshots. It is possible for snapshots to be missing if the publisher removed them.